Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A bit of the loot stack

Twenty four tubes of toothpaste.  All were free or at a profit.

General health & beauty shelf
Lotion, soap & bodywash along the left and the top left.  Cough, cold & sinus up front (8 Alka Seltzer, 9 Dayquil Sinex, 10 Nyquil Sinex, 3 Sinex sprays, 2 full bottles Nyquil).  Deodorant behind the meds.  Cough drops & shaving items in the upper left.  Toothbrushes lower left, normally go on top of the toothpaste.  Most of this was free.

Misc household shelf
Bags to the left, dish soap center back, air fresheners back right, laundry front left, haircare front center, Swiffer thingies and a sad little lightbulb front right.  This area needs work - both in filling it up and organizing it better.  Wow, do I need shampoo.

There are a few items not pictured because I've already set them aside to be donated.  I'm working on the toothpaste, which is about where I was when I stopped for a photo shoot, and after that I'm going to pull some of the nonperishable food as well.  A local pantry is having a drive this weekend so I'm trying to get a bag or two together to take over for that.

I'd show you the food loot stack, but it's not very photogenic at this point being scattered in various shelves and cabinets.  =)

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