Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dual Drugstore Deals: $185 for a $13 profit

We hit CVS & Rite Aid this morning before the snow started and wound up with a great haul.  It wasn't as good as I'd been hoping for in an ideal situation, but it was great.  :)  Afterward I hightailed it (with my loot!) over to my grandparents' to make Christmas cookies all day.  Gram was impressed with the haul and, as I set up for the loot stack photo, was laughing that I had my own little store.  It seems like it sometimes!

2 Excedrin PM 100ct $21.98
1 Complete contact solution $9.99
1 Christmas tree $29.99
Subtotal $61.96
Less $5 off $30 purchase, less two $2.50 off Excedrin PM, less 25% off tree, less $10 off Christmas tree
Total $34.46, paid in ECBs, received back $10 ECB Excedrin, $9.99 ECB Complete
Total $14.47

The Magic Coupon Machine spit out a coupon for $10 off any Christmas tree.  We don't have one yet, and since it's just the two of us I'd only wanted a very small 3' or 4' tree.  We found a really cute little 4' prelit tree with a base, so you just need to take it out and plug it in.  It was normally $29.99 but was marked down 25% to $22.49.  With the $10 off coupon, it came to $12.49 and that's a fantastic price in my book!

Here it is straight out of the box.  I was messing with it later and it's a fluffy, nice-looking tree - especially for $12.49!  I'll get a better photo later once it's decorated.

Originally I got the Complete contact solution just so I could use my $5 off $30 coupon.  It's $9.99 with a $9.99 ECB back; when combined with $20 of Excedrin that coupon would have brought my out of pocket down to like $2.  Since we added the tree I technically didn't need to get the stuff (I don't wear contacts!), but I had already put it in my bag and didn't quite realize until we were paying that it wasn't necessary.  Oh well, it was free!

Next, on to Rite Aid!

Unfortunately the EcoTools products were pretty much a strikeout.  My store only carries one item in the correct price range and they had three of those items in stock.  The deal is done by the pair, so I took the two packs of face wash sponges and was happy with that.

The Revlon beauty tools were pretty abundant, though I'd hoped for more emery boards.  I wound up with 3 packs of emery boards, 4 nail clippers, and a tweezer all at a profit.  To make it better, I'll get a $1 rebate back on top of it all for buying Revlon nail care!

8 boxes of envelopes = $9.16 after BOGO sale
6 rolls of tape = $4.47 after BOGO sale
$13.63 total and I received back $14 in +UPs - a $.37 profit to take all those away!

My store only had 5 Airwick candles.  I bought four and I gave my other four coupons to my mom.  She's going to a couple other Rite Aid stores in the next few days so she'll look for those elsewhere.  Since the candles are free after coupon, I told her she could keep the $3 +UP for buying 4 and I'd just take the candles.  These would make nice gifts if we can find enough!

And look, I got more toothpaste!  Just what I need!

I broke everything up into three transactions and, frankly, I'm a little too scattered to break it all down piece by piece right now.  So, the totals for Rite Aid:

Shelf price $122.70
Total after sale & coupon $31.56, paid in +UPs
Rewards earned $58 + $1 rebate
$27.44 profit!!

This was such an off the cuff shopping trip that I asked my wonderful cashier if I could use one of the empty registers to sort out my orders & coupons.  She gets a kick out of my deals and was more than happy to give me some quiet space to spread my stuff out and do my calculations.  Two other customers checked out while I was calculating and they gave me odd looks but, hey, they paid $30 for 4 items and $10 for one item respectively - I pushed a cart of stuff out to the car that I got paid $27 to take.  They can give me strange looks all they want.

Totals for the day

Shelf price $184.66
Total $66.02
Rewards earned $77.99 + $1 rebate
$12.97 profit!!
All that stuff including a Christmas tree and I made $13.  Hell yeah.

And I still have $30 in rewards to spend at Wags later this week, so it ain't over yet!  I just have to wait for the snowstorm to wind down...

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