Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dual Drugstore Deals: $369 for $11

We had two pretty crazy trips today. Without unnecessary chit-chat (because I don't have much time to blog this evening!), let's get to the good stuff.

Not pictured: four 2 liters Diet Coke, four 14lb pails of Tidy Cats cat litter

Walgreens - shelf price $219.31
5 Salonpas arthritis pain relief patches, 5ct - $5.99ea, $29.95
4 20ct Advil - $3ea, $12
4 Pantene - $3.50ea, $14
4 Nivea for Men shave gel/moisturizer - $3.99ea, $15.96
4 14lb pails Tidy Cats - $5ea, $20
2 Theraflu - $4.99ea, $9.98
2 Breathe-Rite strips, 10ct - $6.79ea, $13.58
4 L'Oreal lipstick - $2.79ea (clearance), $11.16
2 L'Oreal lip gloss - $2.59ea (clearance), $5.18
2 L'Oreal eyeliner - $3.59ea (clearance), $7.18
Subtotal $138.99
Total after coupons $70.22, received back $59 in Register Rewards
Out of pocket $11.22

I'll be honest here; I don't remember quite how I did this.  There were 7 transactions involved and, fortunately, my cashier knew exactly what she was doing and why I was doing what I was doing.
Salonpas - $5.99ea, receive back $6 RR
Advil - $3ea, I had $2 off coupons, got back a $3 RR for spending $10, so $.25 per bottle
Pantene - This is a push item this month for the Cosmetics cashiers; they get a small commission for each bottle they sell, so I got 4 bottles.  It worked out to $1ea after coupon & RR.
Breathe-Rite - The Catalina machine spit out two coupons for free Breathe-Rite on my transactions with the Theraflu, so Andy ran to grab a couple boxes.  Can't beat free!
L'Oreal - you may notice I've never posted makeup deals before.  I don't really wear makeup save for a little lipstick & mascara, and eyeliner when I'm gettin' real gussied up - ergo I never buy the stuff unless I get paid to take it.  With all this stuff on super deep clearance combined with a stack of $5 off 2 coupons AND a $5 RR back when you buy $15...they paid me to take the makeup.

Then, on to Rite Aid - shelf price $149.43

4 Airwick i-Motion compact - $9.99ea, BOGO $19.98
2 Airwick i-Motion Ultra - $13.99ea, BOGO $13.99
4 Healthy Choice soup - $1.99ea, $7.96
1 Burt's Bees lotion - $7.99
6 Hall's Refresh - $2.49ea, $14.94
2 Ester C - $5.99ea, BOGO $5.99
4 Diet Coke - $1.50ea, $6
1 Christmas cake platter/server - $2.49 (clearance)
5 Christmas bowls - $.37ea, $1.85 (clearance)
2 Christmas tins - $.74ea, $1.48 (clearance)
1 bag peppermint sticks - $.25 (clearance)
1 Rite Aid cough drops $.50 (filler)
Subtotal $83.42
Total after coupons $46.48, received back $46 in +UP plus $1 rebate
$.52 profit!!

This trip was a bit more organized than past trips.  Since it seems that the days of unlimited $5 off $25 coupons are over, I no longer need to break my transactions down into $25 chunks.  It means less savings overall, but it also means less time checking out.
Most of the Christmas items are clearanced at 75% off starting today.  One of my favorite cashiers accosted me when I walked in the door and made sure I was aware that the cake plate & server set was clearanced down to $2.50.  Love it!!  The 75% off signs probably aren't up in your store, but look for candy, tableware, socks, dish towels, edible gift sets, decorations/wrapping paper, and so on.  Get a price check to be sure.
The Halls have a BOGO in-ad coupon and I had three BOGO manufacturer's coupons - six bags for free!
Healthy Choice is another great buy; it's on sale for $1.99ea and there are $1 off 2 coupons in today's paper.  To make it even better, these generate a $1 +UP for each can purchased AND count toward the $20 bonus Buy & Save +UP. 
The Airwick items had a pile of coupons in today's paper, are on BOGO, and they produce a $3 +UP for each $10 you buy.  Remember that only the item you pay for counts towards that $10, but you can use a coupon on the free item.  To make it even better, there's a monthly deal where you get a $10 +UP for buying $30, AND these also count for the Buy & Save $20 +UP. 
There's absolutely no reason to buy Burt's Bees this week.  I simply wanted some, I had a $1 coupon and it gives a $1 rebate, and I have piles of extra +UPs to pay for it.

We finished the Buy & Save $20 +UP on Andy's card today - this is a bonus +UP when you purchase $100 in qualifying items.  It's calculated on the pre-coupon price, so if you shop carefully you should be able to get the extra $20 without spending much real money.  The promo runs through the 22nd of this month and the items don't have to be purchased all at once, so take your time and go for it!

Today's totals
Shelf price $368.74
Total $116.70
Rewards earned $105 plus $1 rebate
Out of pocket $10.70 for a savings of $358.04, or 97%!!

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