Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rite Aid Run: $52 for a $9 profit

I had planned to stay in today and get all my food for tomorrow started, but I got a call from my mom this afternoon.
"I went to three Rite Aids today to get more nuts and they're out!  Are there any more nearby?  Does your store have any??"
Unfortunately I haven't been given a running inventory at my favorite Rite Aid, so I couldn't answer that question.
But, hm.  Today was truck day, and I was hoping that an undisclosed item was on said truck.

So I offered to go check out my Rite Aid to see if they had any Planters for mom and maybe to get that undisclosed item while I was there.  Andy came along so he could sign up for a Wellness+ card of his own - I was telling him about Kellogg's cereal being $1.99 with a $1 +UP back starting Thursday and he wanted us to get like 10 boxes of Corn Flakes.  He loves Corn Flakes.  There's a (rare, for Rite Aid) limit of 4  boxes per card, though; Andy decided he would just get himself a card and buy himself 4 more boxes tomorrow.

We pulled into the parking lot and it was pretty packed for 2 in the afternoon.  Uh oh.
Except when we got inside, the place was crawling with employees who were maneuvering around and unloading piles and piles and piles of boxes.  New inventory!  Half the employees greeted me like I was an old friend, which I guess means I'm a regular now, and I located my favorite shift supervisor in amongst the boxes.
"Do you happen to know if you got any (undisclosed item) on the truck?"  He laughed a little.  Said he'd gone through about a third of the boxes already looking for said item because he knew I had gotten a raincheck but hadn't uncovered them yet.
He said he'd keep looking while we shopped so I hit the Planters aisle for mom's nuts.  Slim pickins, but there were enough to get six canisters.  Another employee saw me looking and said "I've got some more in this box, do you need any that aren't on the shelf?"  She dug out two of a specific type mom was looking for and put them in my basket.  Man, truck day is pretty cool!

We scoped the store for tomorrow's items and it looks like we should (hopefully) be able to get what we need.  I'm assuming there's even more stuff in some of those boxes so I'm optimistic.  While we were looking, I came across some Renpure Organics conditioning treatment - I'd seen these in the store before but none had the Try Me Free rebate tag.  One bottle did, and it was on sale with a $1 +UP back.  And I had a $3 coupon.  Into the cart it went.

6 Planters - $23.94
1 Renpure Organics - $5.99
Subtotal $29.93, shelf price $51.93
Less $5 off $25, less six $1 Planters, less $3 Renpure store coupon
Total $15.93, received back $18 in +UPs ($2ea Planters, $5 bonus Planters, $1 Renpure)
$2.07 profit!
I'll also submit for a $6.99 rebate on the Renpure, bringing that up to a profit of $9.06!!

We used Andy's new card on this order, hence the bonus $5 Planters +UP.

By this point we'd been in the store about 40 minutes and I wanted to get home to get on with the cookin'.  I found my shift supervisor guy and explained that I had to get food in the oven, but I'd be back tomorrow and was there any way he'd be willing to hold (undisclosed item) for me if he found them?
He agreed and had my write my name & number on a slip of paper so he could tag said item and put in the office for me if they got any.  We'll see how it goes!

I called mom from the car (Andy was driving!) and told her I'd scored her more Planters.  She was thrilled, and as we chatted for a minute Andy took a corner a little too hard and the bag, which was by my feet, toppled over.  "Crap, my nuts are rolling around on the floor, hang on!" I said.
"EXCUSE ME?!?" she yelled. 
Andy burst out laughing.
The jokes write themselves, folks.

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